a journey through my creativity

Stuck in Minecraft – Part 1



Where am I?

Wait a minute… I’m stuck in Minecraft!

Hey, I see something in the distance, is that a…VILLAGE!

Wow, I’ll go there and get some shelter…

…whoa I was so fast…

“Hello, villager, my name is Alex, have you seem to know a friend of mine, his name’s Steve”


Ok, thank you villager.

He said: Steve is… [BOOM]… whoa!

What in the heavens of Minecraft was that!

”Ow” that must be Steve!…

Awww… it’s not Steve, not even the person that the villager said.

It seems like I’ll have to start by myself…

I got myself a bed so I can sleep at…

[zombie sound]

…what was that?…

“BOO” [Alex screams]…

Awww… Steve, you scared me!

“Sorry Alex, so what got you stuck in Minecraft?”

Well, I got sucked in Minecraft by the notch…

“uh, oh” what?

“uh, oh”?

“The notch is the most powerful in all of Minecraft, but one thing I learned is: that the notch is cheating…

To be continued…